
Everyone is involved, as no one will come to a session just to spend some time. This is at the core of how Pieter views sessions and meetings. He also likes to add some humor, as the memories of a sessions with a smile last. Use his insight and experience in turning your sessions into worthwhile sessions.

Pieter’s experience

In the early nineties, Eastern Europeans and citizens of the former Sovjet Union were suddenly allowed to let their voice be heard in politics. Many chose to prioritise their environmentally degraded surroundings and inequality. ANPED connected these newly emerging civil society organisations with experienced organisations in the West. As Executive Director of ANPED, Pieter organised and facilitated their meetings. Bridging language and culture was as important as achieving the envisioned result of a stronger civil society tackling their region’s most pressing issues. Only by doing can one learn how it works to make such a meeting of different individuals, cultures and interests a success.

ANPED was the official partner of the United Nations in the organisation of the 2002 Johannesburg World Summit on Sustainable Development. Pieter chaired the high-stakes morning civil-society strategy sessions. These daily sessions attracted over 1000 participants and only very strict and strong chairmanship made it possible to complete the agenda. Before and after the summit, Pieter chaired many more of these types of meetings. Benefit from this experience!

As Vice-chair, Pieter facilitated the meetings of the GRI Stakeholder Council. The annual 3-day meetings of stakeholders had to lead to agreement on the proposed new GRI reporting standard. By not staying behind the chair’s table but by walking inside the circle of representatives, the meetings became animated and participants remained involved. A good sense of humor disarmed many tense moments.

As head of External Relations at IUCN NL, Pieter moderated many internal strategy sessions, or stakeholder sessions with business and with governments. Whatever the subject, or whatever the particpants (a cabinet-minister, a CEO of a large company, or the IUCN NL colleague), Pieter found the right tone of voice and with some humor turned the meeting into a worthwile event.

Finally at Triodos, Pieter was able to continue with his love of moderation and facilitation. World CafĂ©’s, Parliamentary Debates and Cross-debates on prickly statements did nog only excite the chair and speaker, but the entire audience.

Since his independence he has moderated many sessions, receiving raving reviews. Don’t hesitate to call me if you need help in turning your event into a success!